Modern Languages
S3 French Taster Class
“Félicitations to the winning team in our S3 French Taster Class who won the Bake Off Challenge during term 3.
Bon appétit !!”
Inclement weather
The following resources are available to continue learning from home.
S1 – S3 French (inc S2 Spanish short course)
Continue working on your booklet
Revise words in your glossary French/Spanish beginner
username – Westhillac
Password – Academy 1
Languages online
choose Français from the menu on the left
Scroll down – work on Unit 8. Note down anything that you find difficult and we can discuss first class back to school.
Please continue preparing for end of unit assessments
National French/Spanish
Website N5 Spanish Past Paper Vocabuary15-1-18
Continue work on your booklet
Continue prep for Nat 5 Assignment and IACCA
Revise words in your glossary French/Spanish intermediate
username – Westhillac
Password – Academy 1
BBC Bitesize (French /Spanish )
Higher French/Spanish
Continue working on your booklet
Continue prep for Higher IACCA
GLOW (username and password required)
Scholar (username and password required)
AH French
Continue working through your booklet
Continue prep for portfolio