Adverse Weather

Adverse Weather Closure Information

Parents and pupils can access information on school closures through the Aberdeenshire and Westhill Academy websites and also through the Schools Telephone Information Line.

Website link:   http:/ or on this school website.

School Information Line:  0870 0544 999

The PIN number for Westhill Academy is  021150  in both cases.

Messages are usually updated before 7.30 am on school days. Making a decision early gives pupils and parents more warning but may lead to less accurate decision-making.  In making the decision we will always use caution erring on the side of safety.

Information can also be found on the radio at:

 BBC Radio Scotland 93.1 FM

 Northsound 1           96.9 FM

 Original 106             106FM

All radio stations access the information from the Aberdeenshire website in the first instance.  If possible, please do not phone the school on a snowy morning as we are always busy making arrangements, open or not!

If parents choose to take pupils to school when school transport is cancelled, they must ensure they can also collect them at any time that day in case the school closes.

If for any reason a parent feels is not safe for a pupil to attend or travel to school they should remain at home.

Thank you

Mrs A. Reid – Head Teacher