Uniform description:
plain white shirt
plain or school badged black jumper
school tie
optional black blazer
black trousers/skirt (not leggings, jeans or shorts)
plain (no logos) black shoes/boots/trainers
Uniform Consultation Outcome
Pupils and parents/carers should by now have been informed of the outcome of our uniform consultation. In response to a further request, please see below a breakdown of the data by specific groups. Please note that we cannot publish data further broken down (e.g. by year group), since to do so might identify small groups or individuals. The numbers for each group are based on those who responded.
Westhill Academy Uniform Consultation Outcome, February 2018
Cohort % Option A % Option B Number of Respondents
Pupils 18% 82% 740
Parents/Carers 29% 71% 244
Academy Staff 25% 75% 62
Option A
Option B