Westhill Academy News
Digital Schools Awards Scotland
Westhill Academy Twitter – regular updates
Women in Architecture and Construction Conference
On Tuesday 3rd of December 7 S2 girls set out to St Margaret’s School for Girls to take part in the now annual, Women in Architecture and Construction Conference.
The all-day event started with a spirited and passionate introduction talk highlighting the virtues of considering a career in this area from a practicing female Project Manager. The girls were given an insight into the interdisciplinary career opportunities on offer and how easily a career path can alter over time – in very exciting ways.
The conference entailed 4 grouped tasks which allowed the girls to meet and work with other students in neighbouring schools. The four tasks explored were; structural engineering (beams and supports), Town planning (through energy efficiency strategies), communication and teamwork (a timed task, designed to test how well the girls can verbally communicate a building design so that others could copy it) and finally a look at new virtual technologies (used to map vast areas, accurately and quickly).
The day was capped off with two current female students of RGU (one studying Project Management and one studying Quantity Surveying), who spoke positively and enthusiastically about their courses and why they have never looked back. Certainly, our girls were struck by the wide variety of activities and companies the Students at RGU work alongside. After a quick Q&A, it was back on the bus ready for home. An excellent and insightful day.
Mr Tait
Thorpe Malloy ‘My Future Aspirations’
Erin Jepp 2A, getting a Certificate of Excellence for the Thorpe Molloy, ‘My Future Aspirations’ Art Competition, at a special event with family and friends at One CodeBase, Schoolhill, Aberdeen on Thursday 12th December.
Thorpe Molly recruitment agency had also arranged for a GP to talk to Erin about her Future Aspiration of becoming a Heart Surgeon.
All S2 pupils work in art classes to produce an entry for this competition every year.
On behalf of the Parent Council: the next Parent Council Meeting is on Wed 27th Nov. in Westhill Academy Staffroom from 6.30pm. All welcome.
Chief Invigilator
We have an opportunity to lead and support in one of the key parts of the senior phase in Westhill Academy – Chief Invigilator for the SQA examinations.
This role spans two periods within the school year: part of February for the preliminary exams and late April until early June for the final exam diet.
You will be working with school staff, invigilators and following SQA advice. Full training will be provided by the SQA.
This is such an important, and rewarding, role – please consider this for yourself or share with someone you think it may interest.
More information and details from Nicola Christie – telephone 01224 087850
News and information regularly updated on our Faculty Twitter feeds:
Guidance – https://twitter.com/GuidanceTeamWA
Physical Education – https://twitter.com/WesthillPEDept
Science – https://twitter.com/ScienceDeptWA
Humanities – https://twitter.com/WH_Humanities
Business Education and Computing Science – https://twitter.com/BusinessEdWA
Mathematics – https://twitter.com/MathsDeptWA
Mathematics – UKMT Junior Challenge 2019 award
Some of the 42 pupils in S1 and S2 receiving the UKMT Junior Challenge 2019 awards. This is one of the largest groups we have had reciveing Bronze, Silver and Gold.
Katy Campbell and Amelia Hastings qualified for the Junior Kangaroo Maths round with their high scores.
Scottish Junior Maths Challenge Award 2019
Katy, S2, receiving her Scottish Junior Maths Challenge Award 2019 at Aberdeen University June 2019.
Grampian Children’s Book Award Ceremony 2019
On Wednesday the 8th of May we attended the GCBA ceremony at Aberdeen University along with pupils from other schools in Aberdeenshire, Aberdeen City and Moray.
From October we had been busy reading the 6 shortlisted titles and had voted for the one we liked best. We were excited to meet the authors and find out who the overall winner would be.
The Arts lecture theatre filled up with other excited pupils all keen to see and hear from the authors and find out who would be victorious.
Four of the six shortlisted Authors attended the ceremony and they took turns addressing the audience, reading from their books and giving us an insight into their work and inspirations. Ross Welford author of 1,000 Year Old Boy took a slightly different approach and pulled off an amazing book related magic trick which left the audience wondering” how did he do that”?
Next came an opportunity to ask the authors questions about their own writing and get some tips for our own work.
Silence fell in the hall as the winner was announced……… Ros Welford 1,000 Year Old Boy.
He was delighted and received a wonderful cheer and applause from the audience.
Just time for book signing and photographs before heading back. We all agreed it was a great event and we are already looking forward to next year!
Swimming May 30th 2019
Congratulations to Hannah Morrison S1 and Katy Campbell S2 – who after a nail-biting 9 week qualifying window, finished in the Top 20 in Scotland in their Age Groups when the window closed on Monday. They have now been invited to represent their clubs at the Scottish Summer Home Nations Meet at the Royal Commonwealth Pool, Edinburgh on the 12th – 14th July. Hannah is competing in the 50 and 100 Freestyle, Katy in the 50 and 100 Butterfly.
Good luck girls.
Scottish Schools Swimming Finals 26th January 2019
Katy and Melana, S2, representing Westhill Academy and Aberdeenshire at Scottish Schools Finals at Tollcross, Glasgow on Saturday. Both had great swims and PB’s in the 100m Butterfly
Katy S2 smashes her 200m Butterfly PB at Scottish Schools Finals representing Westhill Academy and Aberdeenshire.
Maths Wi Nae Borders: – Well done to 2M1 and 2M4 pictured here with their certificates for the competition they took part in during Scottish Maths Week in September.
Swimming success:- Congratulations to Katy Campbell who was crowned North District 12 year old champion in 50, 100 and 200 FLY at the weekend of 24th November 2018 at the North District Age Group Championships
Westhill and District Rotary Young Musician of the Year competition 2018
The Westhill and District Rotary Young Musician of the Year competition will be on Wednesday 21 November 2018 at Trinity Church,Westhill, at 7pm. Free entry, all welcome.
Police Scotland Youth Volunteers:– Dylan was crowned ‘Young Supporter ‘ of the year at the Celebrate Aberdeen awards on Saturday night – September 8th.
Sponsored by The Wood Foundation, the category celebrates the outstanding young people we have living here in the North East who want to make a difference. Well done Dylan!
Exam Results 2018 – Skills Development Scotland (SDS) have a variety of options to support learners from 7 August onwards. Support is available over the phone, online and in person.
Over the phone – Learners, parents and carers can call the Exam Results Helpline – 0808 100 8000 – to speak with one of SDS’s trained advisers about their options. From apprenticeships to UCAS Clearing, college to employment, they have information on what you can do next.
The Helpline is open on 7-15 August and you can get details at myworldofwork.co.uk/examresults.
Online – Scotland’s careers website My World of Work has lots of useful articles and information to help you plan your future. You can check it all out at myworldofwork.co.uk/examresults.
On social media – You can message advisers via DM on Twitter at @mywowscotland or private message via facebook.com/myworldofwork or your local SDS Facebook page.
In person – SDS careers centres are located nationwide, and careers advisers are available year-round – not just on results day – to offer advice on your career options. Find your nearest centre at myworldofwork.co.uk/centres
Aberdeen – 381 Union Street
Inverurie – Garioch Centre, Constitution Street
Peterhead – Marischal Street
The most important thing to remember is – don’t panic! Whatever your results, there is a way to follow your ambitions, and SDS advisers are ready to help you think about your options.
Royal Highland Show June 2018
Congratulations to Faye who recieved two second places at the Royal Highland Show – quite an achievemnt at such a large and prestigous event. Well done.
Rock Challenge 2018
Congratulations and Well Done to all the pupils and staff as Westhill Academy walked as this years winners!
Many months of hard work , dedication and determination paid off in some style. Congratulations to our fellow Aberdeenshire schools too – Turriff Academy, Inverurie Academy and Mackie Academy also made the top places.
AAB Careers in Accounting Ambassadors
Congratulations to Rebecca 6C and Lewis 5D who have been appointed to the role of Careers in Accounting Ambassadors which is sponsored by AAB. Their role is to raise awareness and provide information on opportunities in the Accounting profession including apprenticeships, work experience opportunities and the varying routes into the profession.
They are holding an open session Friday lunchtime, 2 March, for all pupils in S5/6 interested in an apprenticeship this year and those interested in gaining some work experience with the firm.
Athletics success – Robbie Farquhar, S6E2:– well done, see below
Reading Lunch, Scottish Book Week
The Library hosted a Reading Lunch as part of our celebrations for Scottish Book Week. Pupils and staff alike shared reading recommendations and enjoyed treats of fresh fruit. Readers were introduced to new genres and publications, with Christmas recipes proving particularly popular!’
Scholastic Book Fair
The 2017 Book Fair arrives at the Academy Library on Tuesday 5th December 2017 it will be with us for one week.
Over 200 books are in the collection, including the latest ‘Young Bond’ novel ‘Never Say Die’ by Anthony Horowitz, the final geek girl book ‘Forever Geek’ by Holly Smale and ‘Wonder’ by R.J. Palacio. Non- fiction titles will also be on sale. Book prices start at £2.99. All pupils will have the opportunity to browse the book collection, plus the very popular stationery and poster collections!
The Scottish Royal Regiments bands, November 16th 2017
Westhill Academy joined all the Music Departments in the Aberdeenshire secondary schools that were invited to take part in a day of workshops at Meldrum Academy on the 16 November 2017. The workshops were being run by the The Scottish Royal Regiments bands, and pupils spent the day in rehearsal with unseen music with students from the other secondary schools, and the regular bandsmen.
The collective band with both pupils and bandsmen totalled to over 100. This led to a concert both in the afternoon, and another concert at night in front of an audience of 250.
A fantastic day was had by all, and the atmosphere and experience was truly amazing. The concert at night had excellent feedback from both pupils and audience.
SIAB Pentathlon 2017
Robbie Farquhar was part of the Scotland under 16 boys that came first in the indoor pentathlon event at the Emirates Arena in Glasgow on November 10th. Robbie also got a medal for 3rd overall. It’s the first time anyone can remember Scotland beating England, Ireland and Wales. Well done – additionally well done because that was with carrying an injury to his hip and getting a running spike down his shin!
The Schools International Athletic Board (SIAB) consists of representatives from the Schools’ Athletic Associations of England, Scotland, Wales and All Ireland.
Westhill Academy Careers Evening
Monday 13th November 2017
All are welcome to attend and will have the opportunity to discuss future careers with a number of different organisations.
September 28th 2017-
Future Asset Conference
Did you know that only 14% of Senior Finance jobs are held by women, the worst in any sector? Four of our S6 pupils, Rachael Logan, Rebecca Kessack, Ellen Milne and Morgan McIntosh, went along to a Future Asset Conference in Edinburgh, to find out about more about roles that are available in the Finance sector. They also heard from inspirational speakers about tackling diversity, these included the First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon and the CEO of Virgin Money, Jayne-Anne Gadhia.
September 20th 2017-
AAB Mentoring Scheme
Congratulations to Chloe Cheyne 5E, Rebecca Kessack 6C2 and Rachael Logan 6C1 who were successful, following an interview process, in gaining a place on the AAB Mentoring Scheme for senior Accounting pupils. This is a new initiative that represents a link between the company and the Business Education Department. The girls have been allocated a mentor from the company and will attend mentoring sessions over the next few months where they will discuss issues including interview skills, careers in accountancy and the skills/qualifications necessary for a career in Accounting. In addition, all senior Accounting pupils will next month have an opportunity to visit AAB to participate in a workshop with employees of the company.
September 12th 2017-
S2 pupils participating in “Maths Wi Nae Borders” Competition as part of Scottish Maths Week 2017
September 6th 2017 – six S5 pupils attended a Student Engagement programme at Offshore Europe.
The pupils involved were a credit to the school. The picture shows our pupils working with another school group at the Aker solutions display.
23 August 2017 – Scottish National Open Swimming Meet .
Jack Robertson in S6 had an excellent meet with significant improvements in his entry times in 3 out of his 4 races (PBs in the 200, 400 & 800 freestyle races) and at the Scottish Summer Meet in Edinburgh managed a great time with a 15 second improvement on his entry time. We hope the improvements continue.
30 June 2017 – Two Firsts for Westhill Academy! Today the school had all the pupils together in the Games Hall and closed early to mark the four retirements with over a 100 years at Westhill Academy between them – Mr Thompson, Head Teacher; Mrs Thompson, Principal Teacher Mathematics;, Garth McKain, Principal Teacher of Additional Support Needs and Donald Whyte, past Principal Teacher of Guidance and Teacher of Design and Technology.
Derek Thompson is pictured below saying “goodbye.”
30 June 2017 – Mr T’s (and Mrs T’S) Last Day! Today I leave after over 18 years as Head Teacher of Westhill having taken up post in April 1999. I take with me many happy and positive memories as I move into the next chapter of my life. Margaret and I would like to thank all of the staff, pupils and parents for their support and friendship over out time here and for the many generous gifts and cards we have received over the last two weeks.
We both the wish the entire school community all the best over the coming years and we are certain that the school will continue to be a both a learning and nurturing environment were young people can learn, grow and develop.
Thank you. Derek A Thompson, Head Teacher. (Retired!)
29 June 2017 – “Kids Out” Feedback. We received this letter today:
“I am contacting you in order to praise a number of your students. I have a ten year old daughter with Autism and each year she looks forward to Kids Out Day. The anticipation and excitement of the day can leave her overwhelmed. At one point my child was literally covering her ears and had her face to the ground. After about 45 minutes of the two of us sitting beneath a tree, she began to engage again slowly.
Nearby, a group of student volunteers were wearing brightly coloured clown costumes. When my daughter began watching them, one of the young ladies began to speak to her. My daughter was very shy at first but within 10 minutes, one of your students had walked my daughter to the DJ booth to help her request a song she likes. The group of students danced with my daughter and talked with her. She was so incredibly happy and had such a wonderful time. Had it not been for the kindness of your students, I sincerely doubt my daughter would have engaged with any further activities that day.”
A little kindness goes a long, long way!
29 June 2017 – Arnhall Moss. If you go down to the woods today…………….
On Thursday 15th and Wednesday 22nd June 2017, 14 intrepid S6 biology pupils plus Biology teacher, Miss Docherty and DHT Mr Struthers surveyed part of the birch woodland at Arnhall Moss. Our main objectives were to:
Plan an environmental survey to model how to do a pilot study (to research plan, assess & improve procedures) and aspects of a project, in line with the SQA Advanced Higher biology requirements.
Sample and report on the effects of human trampling on plant species in Arnhall Moss birch woodland.
We only sampled one short-cut path through the Arnhall Moss birch woodland to the A944. In summary, it is evident that trampling has compacted the soil up to 1m from the track centre and decreased overall plant cover and number of species in the most trampled area.
The full report can be seen at Arnhall moss final survey 2017 pdf
29 June 2017 – YPI Winners. The winning Westhill Academy Team attended the celebration event in Perth this week. They are pictured below.
28 June 2017 – S4 Apardion Awards. Congratulations to Jena and Neeraj on receiving their awards for contributions to the school. They are both pictured below. Well done!
27 June 2017 – S6 Albert Thomson Award. This week Emine Taylor -Unlu collected her achievement award. Well done Emine and we wish you all the best for your future.
26 June 2017 – Highland Show Success. Congratulations to Faye from 2E. Faye got a 5th in one of her classes with a ewe lamb at the Highland Show in Edinburgh. There were 25 lambs in the class, so she did really well. Well done Faye.
23 June 2017 – Staff Farewell Dinner. 105 staff, and former staff, gathered in the Hilton Treetops Hotel on Friday evening to say good bye to 4 long serving members of staff. Garth McKain after 34 years. Margaret Thompson after 29 years, Donald Whyte after 27 years and Derek Thompson after 18 years. A grand total of 108 years in Westhill Academy. We wish them all a long and happy retirement. Derek and Margaret Thompson are pictured below with their daughters, Shona and Lisa, who are also both teachers.
23 June 2017 – Michaela McRobb Award. At the S6 Assembly Graeme McRobb and Karen Tremain presented the award to Emily Chan and Georgia Grieve. Both have demonstrated enormous resilience following the passing on of parents.
14 June 2017 – Health and Wellbeing Young Leaders. Congratulations to Nathan, Chrissie, Louise and Sorcha who represented Westhill Academy at the HWBYL Celebration Event. They did us proud and have done a great job in raising the profile of mental health within the academy and beyond.
14 June 2017 – “Kids Out!” Around 30 of our senior pupils helped at the annual event at Craibstone. The letter from the organisers is below:
Just a quick e mail to thank you and your senior management team once more for your help and support for Kid’s Out, and for organising the participation of you senior pupils.
Again—I cannot speak highly enough of the enthusiasm,initiative and participation of your young folk. They were wonderful! Please pass on a huge “Thank you” to all who came along on the day.
They all seem to have had a good time (thankfully the weather was kind) and as I reminded them—–all good for their CV’s, and I do think it is good for them to meet and interact with the children who attend the event.
13 June 2017 – UK Mathematics Trust. Congratulations to James for reaching the UK Mathematics Trust “Kangaroo.” James scored above than the national average in the test and did well to qualify for this competition from over 6 million students worldwide. Well done James!
12 June 2017 – Taekwondo Update. Marcus won a Silver Medal for sparring in the European Cup. Congratulations!
8 June 2017 – Primary 7 Parents Guidance Evening. 7.00 pm to meet the Guidance Staff followed by refreshments with the Parents Council in the School Library.
8 June – Industry Partners. This afternoon Westhill Academy agreed, and signed partnerships, with SpecSavers and Hilton Hotels to help our efforts in Developing the Young Workforce.” (DYW)
7 June 2017 – Staffing Update. As always in summer we will be welcoming some new staff and saying goodbye to others. More details soon of the “comings and goings!”
5 June 2017 – Taekwondo. Marcus, from 5E, is competing in the Taekwondo European Cup this week in Poland. Well done and congratulations!
5 June 2017 – New Timetable for S5/6 Pupils. S6 pupils at RGU all day.
2 June 2017 – Parent Council Night Out. A big thank you from Derek Thompson for his night out and very generous gift from the Parent Council.
2 June 2017 – Alison Reid is appointed new Head Teacher starting 21 August 2017. Congratulations!
31 May 2017 – Youth Philanthropy Initiative – Winners 2017.
Marie Curie Cancer Trust (Guidance group ‘E2’ – Meg Berryman, Emma Coull, Hannah Lorimer, Emma Smith) won the YPI presentation award of £3,000. There is a second award for NDCS (Guidance ‘D’ – Catrina, Caitlin, Ellie, Niamh.) of £50 from donations on the night. Well done to all the teams who presented and to all the teams whose posters are going to be up around school and in Guidance Classrooms and the library.
The Poster Competition winners were Grampian Child Bereavement Network (Guidance Group ‘E1’ – Kirsty, Abigail, Gabrielle, Grace.) – £100, with a second prize of £50 to Alzheimer Scotland (Guidance Group ‘C2’ – Kiera, Brooke.)