MVP -Mentors in Violence Prevention programme
In S5 and S6 our pupils get the opportunity to take part in the Mentors in Violence Prevention programme.
Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) is a peer mentoring programme that gives young people the chance to explore and challenge the attitudes, beliefs and cultural norms that underpin gender-based violence, bullying and other forms of violence. It addresses a range of behaviours including name-calling, sexting, controlling behaviour and harassment, and uses a ‘by-stander’ approach where individuals are not looked on as potential victims or perpetrators but as empowered and active bystanders with the ability to support and challenge their peers in a safe way.
Our S5 and S6 mentors lead sessions with our S1 and S2 PSE classes throughout the first and second terms of the school year. Our S5 and S6 mentors are linked to a class, usually within their own House, so that junior pupils have other senior pupils that they can speak to about anything that is worrying them.
More information about the programme and it’s impact is here: Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) – An overview | Practice exemplars | National Improvement Hub (
May 2021
Here is the P7 Parents welcome to Westhill Academy presentation from Monday 17th May 2021.
Easter 2021 – ‘Thinglink‘ – Westhill Guidance Faculty team presentation with links to support health, mental health and wellbeing and study support/revision progress.
Guidance Twitter feed is:- always updated with information on careers, talks, opportunities, PSE, YPI, UCAS, NESCOL College, Training, charities and more…..
Skills Development Scotland (SDS) provides career information advice and guidance (CIAG) services to Westhill Academy.
Our careers staff provide face-to-face guidance with pupils in school and beyond. Appointments can be accessed by contacting the SDS Centre in Inverurie or Guidance.
We also have our digital channels including My World of Work and
Our school services table provides a comprehensive overview of the help on offer and can be accessed here.
My World of Work is Scotland’s careers information and advice web service. Click on the visual above to access the website.
At school and right through to retirement, My World of Work helps you with up-to-date information, advice and tools.
Subject choices – understand your strengths and make better choices about your subject choices and future career.
Exam results – straight into a job or onto further learning? Whatever your grades are find help in planning your next steps.
Guidance Twitter feed is:- always updated with information on careers, talks, opportunities, PSE, YPI, UCAS, NESCOL College, Training, charities and more…..
We have four Guidance Groups:
The “A” Group with Miss Bradford.
The “C” Group with Mr McEwan.
The “D” Group with Mrs Stewart and Mrs Reid.
The “E” group with Mrs Johnstone.