Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce

Westhill District Community Sports Hub – The Sports Hub will be having their AGM on Wednesday 28 March at 7pm in the Holiday Inn if anyone would like to come along and hear what goes on and the plans going forward that you can help shape. There are a number of ‘volunteering roles’ that they hope could support pupils development and future applications and include Web Development & Administration.

Young Decision Makers JD at Westhill 2018

If people want to know more about the ‘volunteering roles’ can they email Grant Coull on – and also look on the Facebook Page ‘Weshill & District Community Sports & Leisure Hub’ – 

Here is some information about the Sports Hub (they are supported by Aberdeenshire Council Sport & Leisure)

WDCSH Background

The Westhill and District Community Sports Hub was formed in 2016 with the primary aims of:

Promoting participation in sport and leisure activity in the local community and

Increasing membership of local sports organisation

Providing financial support to local sports organisations

 We are a registered charity and are organisers of the annual Westhill 10k event, Westhill Football gala and other ad-hoc events. We also organise training for our member clubs who span across sports such as martial arts, football, swimming, JogScotland, Netball, Rugby and lots more.

 Youth Involvement in WDCSH

We are keen to expand the activity of the WDCSH to include youth members and perhaps even form their own Youth Westhill Sports Hub. Various positions are described below that we are presently looking for enthusiastic volunteers to fill. The benefits to you include:

Great personal development opportunity – learn new skills and participate in training events

Opportunity to do community work that will be well received by Universities and future employers

Opportunity to come-up with ideas on sport and leisure that you would like to see introduced or improved in Westhill. Funding is available to make this happen. Just need enthusiastic young people to generate ideas and help to implement them with the support of WDCSH.

Medicine & Medical Sciences Conference

Thursday 22nd March 2018

Polwarth Auditorium

Foresterhill Health Campus, Aberdeen

The University of Aberdeen would like to invite your S5 pupils interested in studying Medicine or Medical Sciences to the above conference on Thursday 22nd March 2018. The event will take place in the Polwarth Auditorium at Foresterhill Health Campus.

Timings of the event will be confirmed shortly but we expect the event to run from 10am-3.30pm.

Pupils will have the opportunity of hearing from Doctors working across hospital and community settings. Staff from the School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition will also be on hand to answer any queries. Current Medical students at Aberdeen will give pupils and insight as to what it is really like to study Medicine.

How to book

Places must be booked in advance and we anticipate an enthusiastic response from schools. Please email a list of pupil’s names and accompanying teacher(s) who will be attending to Anna Johnston at by Friday 9th March. You will receive a confirmation email and joining instructions closer to the event.

We strongly recommend that pupils are accompanied by a teacher from your school who must stay for the duration of the event and we expect schools to deal with parental consents. However if this is not possible, we require confirmed approval from your school and parents/ guardians that pupils can attend the event independently.

Opportunities for All – Aberdeenshire

The OfA newsletter  aims to promote post-school opportunities including jobs, training, college courses and employability provision in Aberdeenshire and surrounding areas for young people aged 16+.

It also highlights relevant local and national youth employability updates and provides links to useful training opportunities for staff supporting young people in Aberdeenshire.

FLAG UK presented opportunities to S5 and S6 pupils recently. Further information is available here:-

Aberdeenshire Youth Volunteer Awards – information here