Fourth Year Choices

Fourth Year Choices 

Click on the subjects below for descriptions of the courses.

4th year choices.docx

Foundation Apprenticeships

These are normally Level 6 qualifications – equivalent to a Higher – but two level 5 qualifications have been introduced. These are Construction and Automotive. “Apprenticeship.Scot” FA Levels 4&5 Link

Introduction to Foundation Apprenticeships – what are they and how they work. You can access it at: Link

Aberdeenshire Council Foundation Apprenticeship Video Case Studies

Looking ahead to S5, this may be a route you wish to explore. Therefore here is information targeted at those young people:-

FA subject choice presentation for S5 and S6

Abbie’s CYP video 

Ben’s FDT Video

Cara’s CYP video

Josh’s CDM video

Rebecca’s HSC video

Samika HSC video

Ross CYP video diary

Abbie’s HSC video

Kieran’s IT video diary

Pupils mark their success on SQA results day